Conflict Resolution and Mediation Initiatives in Asia
The Southeast Asian Women Peace Mediators (SEAWPM) is a platform of Southeast Asian women engaged in mediating, negotiating, and facilitating peace processes. Recognizing the wealth of experience and leadership of women in the region and the gap in women in key positions in peace processes, mediation, and formal negotiations, Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Retno L. P. Marsudi, through her office, initiated the formation of the group in 2020.
We, the SEAWPM, undertake mediation and negotiation practice to support the work for sustainable peace. Specifically, we aim to facilitate and engage in efforts aimed at preventing or resolving the escalation of violent conflicts. In so doing, we advance the inclusion and meaningful participation of women as mediators and negotiators. Through this platform, we pool together decades of our individual and collective experience and knowhow in these fields.
SEAWPM Strategic Approach
We recognize that 21st century conflicts are complex, multidimensional, and unbounded by state borders. Domestic or intra-state conflicts do not occur in isolation from regional and global dynamics. We believe that when the efforts of stakeholders and actors internal and external to a given conflict are aligned and moving in synergy, the potential for fruitful outcomes are enhanced.
Our engagements complement ongoing or prospective initiatives.
We seek to strengthen collaboration and partnerships among national, regional, and global networks on issues relevant to conflict mediation, peacebuilding, and negotiations.
We believe in nuanced analysis that enhances understanding, informs strategies, shifts narratives, and opens new pathways.
We believe in cultivating small, strategic, nimble groups of key international actors working on critical issues, consolidating analysis, sharing perspectives, and generating creative strategies and solutions.
We help create safe spaces for deep and frank conversations.
We undertake quiet diplomacy, but also partake of open, public events where we can convey messages across the divides.
Our strategic approach is grounded in the idea that it is possible to harness the energy of different actors toward new possibilities that can significantly shift conflict dynamics.
What We Do
Engage through quiet diplomacy relevant groups, decision-makers, and other actors in analysing and exploring strategies and mechanisms toward preventing, deescalating, or transforming the political crisis.
Respond creatively to emerging opportunities for mediation and facilitation.
Convene and link key stakeholders in processes that enhance the potential for constructive dialogue across and within concerned parties relevant to the conflict and its resolution.